Olive Dun
Dark blue underfur from hare’s back, thicker
toward the eye of the hook, on olive Pearsall’s Gossamer Silk
Dark dun cock’s hackle
In Two
Centuries of Soft-Hackled Flies (2004) Sylvester Nemes includes a review
of three books by John Waller Hills. The last of Hills’ books, River Keeper(1934), is a largely
biographical account of William James Lunn, keeper of the River Test.
In his own account of Hills’ account of Lunn’s fly
tying, Nemes suggests using “a very good grade of hen hackle from Whiting or
Metz” in any dressing “where cock hackles are suggested,” noting that he has
“taken the liberty of suggesting other replacement materials” in giving
Lunn’s patterns. He dresses Lunn’s Dark Hare’s Hackle:
“Hackle: Dark blue
cock hackle.
Body: Dark fur from
hare’s back cut up and mixed. Spun on olive silk.”
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Dark Hare's Hackle
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Gray Hackle Peacock; Zulu; Orl Fly; and Peacock-flie
Narrow gold tinsel
Scarlet red hackle fibers
Peacock herl
Grizzly hen
Dave Hughes includes the Gray Hackle Peacock
as a traditional pattern in Wet Flies
(1995). Earlier precedents for the Gray Hackle Peacock likely include the Zulu, as Mary Orvis Marbury depicts it on Plate A of her Favorite Flies and their Histories
(1892); the Orl Fly found in the writings of
John Turton and the Bowlkers; and the Peacock-flie, mentioned by both Charles
Cotton and James Chetham. All of these share three traits, red silk, peacock
body, and a grizzly or speckled hackle; none make mention of the gold tip or
scarlet tail fibers that Hughes ascribes to the dressing, although Marbury’s illustration does indicate a red wool
tag for the Zulu. (Marbury's dressing clearly distinguishes from the Black Zulu, which is more commonly shortened as the Zulu.)
In his Angler’s
Manual (1836), Turton includes the Orl Fly as No. 11, a hackle:
“For May and June; is
made with red silk; wing, a dark grizzled cock hackle feather; body,
copper-coloured peacock’s herl. A good fly”
In their respective editions of the Art of Angling (1758, 1774), Charles
and his father Richard cite the Orl Fly for May and June, particularly in hot
weather, and they give very similar dressings. Charles assigns the dressing
thus: “The wings of the Orl Fly are
made with a dark grizzle cock’s hackle, the body of peacock’s harle, worked
with dark red silk: The hook, No. 6.”
In the Angler’s
Vade Mecum (1681), James Chetham reprints the flies Cotton
included in the second part of the Compleat
Angler (1676). The Gray Hackle Peacock is a dressing for May: “There is
also this Month a flie call’d the Peacock-flie, the body made with a whirl of
a Peacocks feather, with a red head, and wings of a Mallards feather.”
Sylvester Nemes mentions the Gray Hackle Red
in the second edition (2006) of The
Soft Hackled Flies (1975), suggesting it as a precedent for his own Syl’s Midge: “I cannot find it [Syl’s Midge] in the angling literature of the north
of England, so it must be an American invention that came down to present use
through the Gray Hackle Peacock, which was tied with a peacock herl body and
grizzle hackle, cock or hen. Donald DuBois’s book, The Fisherman’s Handbook of Trout Flies [1960], lists other similar
hackled flies, such as the Gray Hackle Purple and Gray Hackle Red. The hackle
remained the same, but the body changed according to the whim of the tier.
Some patterns had orange and red tags and gold ribbing. They were all old,
famous wet flies.”
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
This dressing assigns black thread for dressing the fly, since James Chetham prescribes black silk for securing the wings to the hook shank, and it is hackled rather than winged with starling. |
Raw New Zealand Romney - black sheep’s wool
with some gray mixed in
The Hearth-fly heads the list of flies for
August angling that James Chetham includes in the second edition (1700) of his Angler’s Vade Mecum (1681). It is a part of the list following
his reprint of Charles Cotton’s flies. He describes it as a “Catalogue, of Flies, practiced by a very good Angler, and useful to be known by
the young Anglers in clear, Stony Rivers.” Chetham explains that the fly is "Made of the Wooll of and Old Black Sheep with some Grey Hairs in it for the Body and Head, Wing's dub'd with Black Silk, wing's of the light Feather in a Shepstares Quill." Chetham's preference for "shepstare" over starling is evocative of a North Country dialect. The Oxford English Dictionary cites an entry from an 1848 zoology text that lists "shepstare" as a Yorkshire variant of starling.
In the 1758 edition of the Art of Angling, Richard Bowlker includes the Hearth Fly in a
list of “other Flies taken notice of in some treatises of angling, which may
possibly be of use in some rivers” in order “to satisfy the curiosity” of
other anglers, but Bowlker asserts that he does not “think it worth while to make any of
them artificially.” The later edition (1774) by Bowlker's son Charles make no
mention at all of the Hearth Fly in the “CATALOGUE of FLIES seldom found
useful to fish with.”
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Gray Caddis Larva
This pattern has been dressed after the fashion of a soft hackle rather than in a larval form, Sens-style, and it uses silver wire rather than oval tinsel. |
Dark brown
Fine oval tinsel or wire
Dark grayish muskrat fur dubbing
Dark brown fur dubbing
Dark partridge hackle fibers
In Nymphs
(1973), Ernest Schwiebert prescribes many soft-hackled flies or flies
based on traditional soft hackles to imitate caddis flies in general. He explains that the “Gray Caddis Larva is an extremely
versatile pattern in all sizes, and both [the Gray and Yellow Caddis Larvae
discussed alongside the Gray] are fine imitations of the Hydropsyche flies."
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Grouse and Green
This dressing follows one of John Kirkbride's dressings for the Grouse Hackle, assigning a particular silk and thread. |
Olive dun
Olive Pearsall's Gossamer Silk
Grouse back
Because of Ernest Schwiebert’s reference to
the Grouse and Green as a “traditional Yorkshire pattern” in Nymphs (1973), the pattern might
presumably figure into multiple historical texts on North Country fly dressing. Schwiebert makes frequent
reference to North Country and Scottish soft-hackled flies in the
development of modern techniques for dressing nymphal patterns. He attributes
the success of those patterns to the brawling waters of Scotland and the
North Country where anglers dressed and fished them. Such waters are home to many species of caddis flies, which, Schwiebert argues, provides an
imitative corollary that accounts for the success of the flies. Of the three times he
references the Grouse and Green, he attributes it to W. C. Stewart, but
Stewart makes no reference to a soft-hackled or spider Grouse and Green in
his Practical Angler (1857). Later posthumous
editions of Stewart’s book include color plates that depict a Grouse and
Green which is a much more heavily-dressed wet fly than the
characteristically “dour patterns” which Schwiebert suggests must have
“filled his [Stewart's] fly books.”
Schwiebert gives a dressing for the Medium
Dark-Olive Sedge based on the Grouse and Green which he has “modified” in
order “to imitate . . . olive-bodied Macronema
flies," which he discusses in his chapter on Trichoptera: “W. C. Stewart used an [this] ancient border pattern
to imitate similar caddis flies on his beloved Whiteadder, Teviot, and
Schwiebert’s misattribution is easy—the Grouse and Green does not seem to be mentioned anywhere - Roger Woolley only pairs grouse with claret, yellow, and orange silk in his Modern Trout Flies (1950) -though the hackle and body
combination does in a few very specific instances appear under dressings for the Grouse Hackle. Typically,
soft-hackled patterns using grouse hackles also use an orange body, as in the
Grouse Hackle that William Blacker includes in his Art of Angling (1843). Blacker also includes dressings for a
Partridge or Grouse Hackle utilizing different furs for bodies. One variation calls
for a “Body—hare’s ear fur mixed with olive mohair” to create a green effect.
It also includes a starling wing.
In the Northern
Angler (1837), John Kirkbride also includes various dressings for the
Grouse Hackle, one of which is illustrated above as the Grouse and Green: “It
is made as a hackle, with a small bright mottled feather from the back of a
cock grouse, with a dusky yellow or olive body.”
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Orange Flie; or Orange Brown
This dressing substitutes dark orange hare's poll for the orange wool Charles Cotton lists and a crow primary tied hacklewise for the nebulous "wing of a black feather." |
Burnt orange rabbit fur
Crow from the neck or head
In Part 2 of Izaak Walton’s Compleat Angler (1676), Charles Cotton
includes the dressing for the Orange Flie at the head of the list for July: “1.
We have then the Orange Flie, the dubbing of Orange Wool, and the wing of a
black feather.” Following suit in his reprint of Cotton’s flies, James
Chetham includes the Orange-fly in his list of dressings for July in the Angler’s Vade Mecum (1681), although
he inserts another fly ahead of it.
In Fly
Fishing: The North Country Tradition (1994),
Leslie Magee reprints a pattern that is similar, including the Oringe Black in
John Swarbrick’s “List of Wharfedale Flies” (1807): “The Flie is very
Small a Hackle The feather is taken From a Starling Neck Harld at the Head
with Marpie feather orange Silk.” This dressing is almost an exact match for
the Orange Black No. 56 that John Turton includes in his Angler’s Manual (1836). It
is a silk-bodied dressing for July that Turton includes alongside the Wasp
Fly, No. 57, which is dressed in darker orange-brown tones.
Alfred Ronalds includes the Orange Fly, No.
39, in his Fly Fisher’s Entomology
(1836) as a dressing for a small orange scorpion wasp. He explains that it
“is one of the best flies that can be used both for Trout and Grayling. There
are a great many varieties, some larger, some smaller than the representation
[on the color plate]. It may be used all day. Although discovered alive with
difficulty, it is found abundant in the stomachs of the fish. It is furnished
with an apparatus call the sting, used for the purpose of piercing the skin
of caterpillars, in which it deposits its eggs, the grub from which grows in,
and ultimately kills, the insect in which it was hatched.
BODY. Orange floss
silk tied on with black silk thread.
WINGS. Dark part of
the starling’s wing, or feather of a hen blackbird.
LEGS. A very dark
furnace hackle.”
Michael Theakston, likewise, includes an
Orange Brown, No. 83 in his List of
Natural Flies (1843). In Theakston’s entomological parlance, a “brown” is
a stone fly.
This dressing uses silk buttonhole twist by Talon, orange 455, size D, and substitutes reddish brown cock hackle for landrail. |
Theakston’s dressing calls for the Orange
Brown to be “Hackled or winged with a landrail’s feather; bright orange silk,
for body; with a few fibers of mohair or squirrel’s fur, at the breast.”
In addition to representing a small summer
wasp and a late season stonefly, the dressing also stands in for an the ant. Oddly
enough, T. E. Pritt, in North-Country
Flies (1886), traces the lineage of his Large Ant, No. 58, to the Orange
Stinger that John Jackson dresses as No. 51 in his Practical Angler (1854). Jackson’s comment on the fly, however,
and the dressing in particular align it more with Ronalds’ dressing for the
small wasp than an ant: “This, though apparently a scarce insect, is greedily
taken by both Trout and Grayling, from the middle of August to the end of
September.” The dressing itself matches Ronalds’ almost verbatim. The
“stinger” in the name, too, recalls the egg-laying stinger Ronalds describes.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Old Blue Dun
Two or three rusty-dun hackle fibers
One strand of silk buttonhole twist – Coats and Clark’s 72-A
primrose, size D; or full twist, tightly twisted
Muskrat dubbed on primrose Pearsall’s Gossamer
Silk, wrapped so that some silk shows through the dubbing at the tail end
Blue-dun hen
James Leisenring included the Old Blue Dun in The Art of Tying the Wet Fly and Fishing
the Flymph (1941). He dressed it:
“HOOK 12, 13, 14.
SILK Primrose yellow.
HACKLE Blue-dun hen hackle of good quality.
TAIL Two or three glassy fibers from a
rusty-blue-dun cock’s hackle.
RIB One strand of yellow buttonhole twist
BODY Mustrat underfur spun on primrose-yellow
silk, a little of the silk showing through dubbing at the tail.
WINGS Starling optional.”
Leisenring’s name for the fly does not appear
in older angling literature, but the word “old” suggests it should. Since
many patterns utilize combinations of dun colored furs on yellow silk bodies
coupled with hackles in varying shades of dun and, quite often, with smoky
dun-colored wings, the most distinguishing feature of Leisenring’s dressing
is the addition of a primrose rib.
In the third edition of the Modern Fly Dressing (1950), Roger Woolley lists various dressings of the Blue Dun as the Early Olive Dun. Blue Dun is a relatively common name, and shows up alongside other dressings that utilize blue fur bodies, but they usually omit the rib. Like Leisenring's Old Blue Dun, Woolley's dressings, particularly those under the heading of "Hackled Wet Patterns for Midland and Welsh Waters," often include bodies of various blue furs and a rib that is yellow (on in a few cases, of silver wire).
William Blacker gives an almost identical
dressing in his Art of Angling
(1843), although it neither stipulates the color of the tying thread nor
makes the starling wing optional. He calls it the Whirling Dun, No. 29, and he argues it is best suited for June and July fishing. Richard Bowlker, too,
includes a Little Pale Blue in his Art
of Angling (1758) that neglects tail fibers and uses “the lightest blue
feathers of a sea-swallow” for the wing.
Perhaps the oldest direct precedent for
Leisenring’s Old Blue Dun is the “whirling Dun” that Charles Cotton listed
for April in his additions to the Compleat
Angler (1676). He notes that “About the twelfth of this Month comes in the
Flie call’d the whirling Dun, which is taken every day about the mid time of
the day all this Month through, and by fits from thence to the end of June, and is commonly made of the down
of a Fox Cub, which is of an Ash colour at the roots, next to the skin, and
ribb’d about with yellow silk, the wings of the pale grey feather of a
The lineage of Leisenring's Old Blue Dun has much in common with the lineage of the prevalent Waterhen Bloa, though most of the latter's dressings are not ribbed. |
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Rough-Bodied Poult
This dressing substitutes a quail undercovert for the particular hackle Harfield Edmonds and Norman Lee suggest. |
Primrose Pearsall’s Gossamer Silk
Tying silk dubbed lightly with buff opossum
Dun bobwhite quail undercovert
In Brook
and River Trouting (1916), Harfield Edmonds and Norman Lee give the
dressing for the Rough-Bodied Poult as No 20, to imitate Ephemeridæ hatching from July through September. The name "poult" derives originally from the word "pullet," but the Oxford English Dictionary notes that, while it often referred to young, domesticated fowl and game birds, it was most often used in reference to the grouse. As is often the case with traditional soft-hackles, the name of the Rough-Bodied Poult indicates the most prominent part of the fly, the grouse undercovert hackle.
Edmonds and Lee dress the fly with their usual specificity:
“WINGS.—Hackled with a
light blue feather from the under coverts of a young Grouse wing, taken
before the bird is strong on the wing. (The lighter side of the feather
towards the head of the fly.) This feather darkens very rapidly on the live
bird from August onwards.
BODY.—Straw coloured
silk, No. 2, dubbed sparingly with buff fur from the flank of an Opossum.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Dotterel, in orange and yellow
This dressing of the orange Dotterel uses silk buttonhole twist - Talon 455 orange, size D, lightly twisted to suggest a natural rib. |
This dressing of the orange Dotterel uses silk buttonhole twist - Coats & Clark's lemon 223, size D, lightly twisted to suggest a natural rib. |
Orange or yellow to match the body
Orange or Yellow
Starling undercoverts, dun with light tan tips
The Dotterel is a standard North Country or
Scottish spider. In his Northern Angler
(1837), Scottish angler John Kirkbride calls it the “most destructive fly in
this part of the country, killing remarkably well during the whole season.”
Harfield Edmonds and Norman Lee regard it as most effective from May to
September in Brook and River Trouting
(1916). Likewise, in his North-Country
Flies (1886), T. E. Pritt explains that “the dotterel is a good standard
fly all through the season from the end of April, more especially on rather
cold days.” While he concedes that it “is undoubtedly a splendid killer,”
Pritt speculates “whether its reputation on all the Yorkshire, and other
north country rivers, is not in excess of its merits.”
Edmonds and Lee put forward the standard
dressing for the Dotterel as No. 17 in their book, elaborating slightly on
Pritt’s Dotterel, No. 35:
“WINGS.—Hackled with a
light-tipped fawnish feather from the marginal coverts or lesser coverts of a
Dotterel’s wing.
BODY.—Orange silk, No.
6, or primrose yellow silk, No. 3.
HEAD.—Orange silk, or
primrose yellow silk.”
Pritt suggests “Straw-coloured silk” for the
body, but he notes that “some anglers prefer Orange silk.” E. M. Tod’s
preference is evident in his name for the fly, the Dotterel and Orange, but
his dressing is identical. Michael Theakston offers a Dotterel Dun as the 79th
fly in his List of Natural Flies
(1843), dressing it with the a body of
“copper-colored silk, slightly tinged with water-rat’s fur; winged with a
dotterel’s feather; winged with slips and a few fibers of mohair or hare’s
ear, wrought in at the breast.” Only Kirkbride’s dressing varies wildly from
the simple spider. His fly has a hare’s ear body, dyed yellow, gradually
lightened as the season advances with addition of yellow mohair. In
discolored water, Kirkbride’s Dotterel has a three-part body: hare’s ear dyed
yellow in the front, a band of yellow thread in the middle, and a sparsely
dubbed muskrat section near the bend of the hook.
In light of its reputation, what might be most
significant about the Dotterel soft hackle is that it can no longer be
dressed authentically. Its namesake hackle comes from a long-protected
species. Leslie Magee discusses the challenge of dressing the Dotterel
without dotterel in Fly Fishing: the
North-Country Tradition (1996): “I have carefully examined several museum
skins of Dotterel and I must say that I believe that it would be extremely
difficult to differentiate between the feathers formerly used for the
‘Dotteril Fly’ and feathers selected from some other birds. I have also
examined Dotterel feathers in old fly wallets and it would seem that because
of the rarity of the bird, that a wide range of its feathers were made use
of.” Pritt suggests curlew.
In The
Art of Tying the Wet Fly and Fishing the Flymph (1941), James Leisenring
does not even include dotterel hackled under a separate heading as he does
for other land bird hackles like the coot, partridge, jackdaw, and snipe. The
dotterel is a footnote to the starling, which provides an a perfect
substitute that is “found among the undercoverts of the starling wing. The
feathers are dun colored with buff or yellow tips, and can be distinguished
from the genuine dotterel only by a difference in stiffness.” Edmonds and Lee
make a similar recommendation, as does W. C. Stewart in The Practical Angler (1857).
Edmonds and Lee,
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Gray Hackle
Light yellow
Narrow gold tinsel
Bronze-colored peacock herl
Yellow or white creamy furnace
James Leisenring listed the Gray Hackle second on
his list of favorite patterns in The
Art of Tying the Wet Fly and Fishing the Flymph (1941). He noted that the hackle, particularly if it was a poultry hackle, should be tied according to the water where it would be fished: the slower the water, the softer the hackle and vice versa.
In discussing the history of the Red Hackle and the other hackle flies she illustrates on Plate A of her Favorite Flies and their Histories (1892), Mary Orvis Marbury notes that, unlike the Red Hackle, the “White Hackle, Yellow Hackle, Black Hackle, and a number of others are named simply after their color.” At the close of her discussion on the history of hackles, she cites a contemporary Colorado angler who recommends the Gray Hackle ahead of the Brown hackle, noting that the Gray Hackle “was to the trout what bread was to civilized man.” |
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Embroidery thread – DMC 987 dark forest green
T. E. Pritt lists his Greensleeves, No. 48, as
an alternative to the Greentail or Grannom in Yorkshire Trout Flies (1885) and its subsequent edition, North-Country Flies (1886). In the
former, he notes that the dressing “differs little from the Greentail, and is
probably a fanciful edition of that fly, useful only on dull, sultry days,
and occasionally in the evening. Not generally dressed, but will now and then
kill fairly.” He dresses it as follows:
“WINGS.-Hackled with a
feather from the inside of a Woodcock’s wing of from a hen Pheasant’s neck.
BODY.-Bright green
Pritt refers to the Greensleeves as a
“fanciful edition” of the Greentail. In What
the Trout Said (1982), Datus Proper defined what fanciful means in
relation to British dressings: “The term is British, and Americans are often
unaware that fancy does not mean gaudy. There is room for confusion, since
some fancy flies also happen to be gaudy. Many others are sober creations
that happen to be products of an angler’s
fancy. John Waller Hills says that a fancy fly may imitate insect life
generally but cannot be ‘connected with any particular species or genus or
group.’ By way of example, he gives Stewart’s famous Black, Red, and Dun
Spiders, which are small, drab, wet flies for upstream fishing. Hills then
distinguishes fancy flies from ‘general’ flies, which ‘imitate a genus or
group, but not an individual.’ The difference is a fine one.”
In the later edition of Pritt’s text, North-Country Flies (1886), Pritt adds
more specific information on the lineage for the Greensleeves, noting that it is
“Another form of Ronalds’ ‘Gold-eyed gauze wing,'" which Alfred Ronalds includes in the Fly-Fisher’s Entomology (1836) as No. 34, a fly dressed to match a July hatch. The Gold-eyed gauze wing, he
explains, “is rather a scarce insect upon some waters, but where it is found
affords great sport on windy days.” Ronalds dresses the fly thus:
“BODY. Very pale
yellowish green floss silk, tied on with silk thread of the same colour.
palest blue dun hackle which can be procured.”
The name Greensleeves likely derives from
an old English folk ballad with North Country associations. The ballad “A Newe Northen Dittye of ye Ladye Greene
Sleves,” was registered by Richard Jones in the autumn of 1580. What the connection between the fly and a folk ballad might connote is any
angler’s guess.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
This dressing depicts the first rendering of T. F. Salter's dressing that Sylvester Nemes suggests. It only uses one strand of peacock herl to complement the two barbs from a cock pheasant's tail |
Tobacco brown or rust
Pheasant tail and peacock herl twisted with
the tying thread
Light starling undercovert
In Two
Centuries of Soft-Hackled Flies (2004), Sylvester Nemes gives particular
attention to the Pismire fly in his treatment of T. F. Salter’s The Angler’s Guide (1823). He suggests that the fly might be intended as a dressing for an ant. The word "pismire" is, as Nemes notes, an old word for the insect. The Oxford English Dictionary notes that "pismire" has fourteenth-century etymological roots from which "pissant" is derived, and that it first shows up in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (c. 1395).
The dressing that Salter gives seems to be for a winged wet, much like ant patterns that had been popular as early as Charles Cotton's additions to the Compleat Angler (1676) through the mid-nineteenth century. James Chetham recommends the Pismire-fly in his Angler's Vade Mecum (1681) as "a good fly," dressed with a "Body of bright Brown Bears Hair twirl'd upon Red Silk, Wings of the saddest colour'd Feather got from the Quill of a Shepstares Wing." Salter, on the other hand, dressed the fly with a "body of a cock-pheasant’s tail, a peacock’s herl to be twisted with it, and warp [wound] with ruddy silk; wings the light part of a starling’s feather, and to be made longer than the body.”
Nemes provides “two suggested patterns based
on Salter’s Pismire fly,” though neither explicitly suggests an ant:
“1. Body: Two strands
of peacock herl and two barbs from a rooster pheasant’s tail, wound together.
Hackle: Starling feather, including the lighter, dun colored barbs at the
bottom of the feather.
2. Body: Two strands
of peacock herl and two barbs from a rooster pheasant’s tail, wound together.
Hackle: Gray partridge breast feather or a two-toned feather from the back of
the bird.”
William Blacker also provides what is likely intended to be a terrestrial dressing, the Pismire No. 30, for June and July in his Art of Angling (1843). The dressing is much simpler than Salter’s and, similar to Nemes's versions, seems to be more of a general than a strictly imitative pattern. His illustration on the second plate of flies in the book does not directly resemble an ant in shape, though the color is reminiscent of the red ants his predecessors described. Blacker dressed his Pismire as a simple palmer:
“Body, Brown mohair.
Legs, Small red
hackle, wound up from the tail.
(No wings.)”
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Cow-turd Flie; or, more commonly (and recently), the Cowdung
Medium hare’s ear mixed with golden stone
antron on orange Pearsall’s Gossamer Silk
Tan hen’s back, very lightly speckled
Although the Cow-turd or Cowdung is
traditionally a winged wet fly, its simplicity lends itself to a soft-hackled
dressing. It is tied to represent a terrestrial (Scatophaga stercoraria, T. Donald Overfield explains) born most
prolifically near pastures where cattle have recently grazed. The insect’s
point of origin is the fly’s namesake. Charles Cotton gives a dressing in his
additions to Izaak Walton’s Compleat
Angler (1676). It is a May dressing: “We have then the Cow-turd flie; the
dubbing light brown, and yellow mixt, the wing the dark grey feather of a
Mallard.” James Cheatham provides the almost exactly the same dressing in the
list of flies he appends to a later edition of his Anglers
Vade Mecum (1681): “Dubbing light Brown and Yellow mix’d, the Wings of the
dark Grey Feather of a wild Mallard.”
The pattern is essentially unchanged since
Cotton published his dressing. T. Donald Overfield provides an overview of this history in his “Flies of Yesteryear”
column in the Spring Special issue of 1977. He explains that “Generations of
fly tiers have not ignored the Cow Dung, as evidenced by the countless
dressings described in famous angling books. Besides Charles Cotton, Richard
and Charles Bowlker mention it in The
Art of Angling (1747). Other historic works that included dressing of
this fly are Robert Salter’s The Modern
Angler (1811), C. Bainbridge’s The
Fly Fishers Guide (1816, Alfred Ronald’s Fly Fishers Entomology (1836), G. P. R. Pulman’s Vade Mecum of Fly Fishing (1849), W.
Blacker’s The Angling Flies (1853),
J. Jackson’s The Practical Fly Fisher
(1854), Henry Wade’s Rod Fishing with
Fly (1861), St. John Dick’s Flies
and Fly Fishing (1873), James Ogden’s On
Fly Tying (1879), and F. M. Halford’s Floating
Flies and How to Dress Them (1886).”
James Leisenring also gives a dressing of
the Cowdung in The Art of Tying the Wet
Fly and Fishing the Flymph (1941). He notes that
“The Cowdung is not a
water-bred fly but it is blown into the water and taken eagerly by the trout
in streams flowing through meadows where cattle are grazing. If the weather
is open they appear from March throughout the season and they may be seen in
various sizes clustered on every cow dropping. The wings are almost
transparent and should be imitated with the land rail feather that has the
pinkish tinge of the natural fly. The body should be dressed rather full and
HOOK 12,13.
SILK Orange.
HACKLE Ginger hackle
similar to the color of the body.
BODY Yellow crewel wool, seal fur or mohair
mixed with a little brown fur to soften the glare and give the whole a dirty
orange tinge.
WINGS Land rail
slightly longer than the body and sloping back close to the body, glossy side
In Wet
Flies (1995), Dave Hughes lists a more modern dressing of the Cowdung:
“Hook: 2x stout, size
Thread: Black 6/0 or
8/0 nylon.
Hackle: Brown hen.
Body: Dark olive and
cinnamon fur dubbing, mixed, or Hare-Tron #24, Olive Brown.
Wing: Gray goose or
mallard wing quill sections.”
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